Evalflow vs. 15Five: Delivering Essential Performance Management with Greater Affordability

Discover how Evalflow outshines 15Five in affordability and simplicity for effective performance management solutions. Learn why Evalflow is the superior choice for businesses of all sizes.

In the realm of performance management software, businesses are often faced with the challenge of selecting a tool that not only enhances employee performance but also aligns with their budgetary constraints. Evalflow and 15Five are two notable contenders in this space. While both offer valuable features, Evalflow sets itself apart by focusing on simplicity, affordability, and essential functionalities that deliver results without the high costs associated with 15Five.

Why Evalflow is the Superior Choice

1. Simplicity and Ease of Use

15Five emphasizes continuous feedback and employee engagement, offering a range of features such as check-ins, 1-on-1s, and pulse surveys. However, the breadth of its functionalities can sometimes overwhelm users, especially smaller organizations. Evalflow, in contrast, offers a streamlined user experience designed for quick setup and ease of use, allowing businesses to immediately benefit from its performance management tools without a steep learning curve.

2. Affordability

15Five’s pricing starts at $7 per person per month for its basic package, with additional costs for more advanced features​ (Lattice)​. This can quickly become expensive, particularly for growing businesses. Evalflow provides a more cost-effective solution at $2 per person per month, making it a viable option for businesses of all sizes that are looking to manage costs while still benefiting from robust performance management capabilities.

3. Focused Feature Set

While 15Five offers a variety of features aimed at improving employee engagement and performance, some of these functionalities may not be necessary for every business. Evalflow focuses on delivering the essential features needed for effective performance management, ensuring that users only pay for what they actually use. This targeted approach simplifies the user experience and provides greater value.

4. AI-Powered Annual Reviews with Evalbot

Evalflow’s AI-powered conversational chatbot, Evalbot, enhances the performance management process by facilitating annual reviews. Evalbot can take any evaluation template and automatically fill it with the employee’s past performance data, streamlining the review process and saving valuable time for managers.

Cost Comparison: Evalflow vs. 15Five

To illustrate the cost differences, let's compare the expenses for a medium-sized business with 100 employees, a large business with 500 employees, and extend to even larger businesses with 1000 and 2000 employees.

Feature Evalflow Cost (Monthly) 15Five Cost (Monthly) 15Five Features (Often Unused)
Performance Management $200 $700 Check-ins, Pulse Surveys, High Fives
OKRs & Goals Included $700 Custom Goal Weighting, Advanced Reporting
Employee Engagement Included $700 Engagement Surveys, eNPS
Total (100 Employees) $200 $2100 -
Total (500 Employees) $1000 $10500 -
Total (1000 Employees) $2000 $21000 -
Total (2000 Employees) $4000 $42000 -

As demonstrated, the costs associated with 15Five can be significant, especially when considering features that may not be utilized by every business. Evalflow provides a more streamlined and cost-effective solution without sacrificing the essential functionalities needed for effective performance management.


Choosing the right performance management software is crucial for any business looking to enhance employee performance, engagement, and overall productivity. While 15Five offers a comprehensive suite of features, its higher costs and complexity can be a barrier for many organizations. Evalflow, with its simplicity, affordability, and focus on essential features, emerges as the superior choice for businesses seeking a straightforward and effective performance management solution.

By opting for Evalflow, businesses can achieve their performance management goals without the unnecessary complexity and costs, making it the ideal choice for those looking to streamline their processes and maximize value.

For more information on how Evalflow can help your business, visit www.evalflow.com.

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